My Tweaks
  1. TVLock
    TVLock gives you an awesome TV turning off animation for when you lock your device. There's plenty of options so that you can customize the animation.
  2. ExplosiveIcons
    Make icons explode when they're deleted! Plenty of options for customization included in preferences.
  3. NotifLives
    This tweak will let you get 1UPs from notifications! Set how many notifications it takes to trigger it, and you'll get a life and sound effect when you get enough. There's optional notifications that
  4. GrowingBadges
    This tweak will scale your app notification badges based on how many notifications you have for that app.
  5. RetroVol
    RetroVol gives you an epic volume bar that looks like it's from an old TV. Plenty of customization options included
  6. NoSettingsBadge
    This will hide the annoying settings notification badge from software updates or any other source. It will also hide the software update badge inside the settings app
  7. ShutupShortcuts
    This tweak disables the annoying notifications from shortcut automations.
  8. SiriCoinControl
    This tweak lets you control the outcome of Siri coin flips! Simply hold volume up (heads) or volume down (tails) before Siri responds and the outcome will always be in your control! Currently no optio
  9. TrueDate
    TrueDate stops the date on your phone from changing until a specific time. Useful for people who stay up late. Configure options in settings.
  10. oslog
    Compiled for rootless from NoisyFlake's fork. The one on Procursus didn't seem to work for me
  11. CornBar
    This tweak replaces your HomeBar with corn! Plenty of options for customization are included
  12. SiriCoinControl16
    This tweak lets you control the outcome of Siri coin flips! Simply hold volume up (heads) or volume down (tails) before Siri responds and the outcome will always be in your control! <br><br><b>Note:</
  1. GitHub
    Source code is available for all of my tweaks